battery equalizer

How to solve the problem of poor endurance of electric vehicles?

Electric vehicles can be regarded as the most cost-effective means of transportation in life. It is really convenient to use, but sometimes it does make owners very “upset”. In particular, the endurance of electric vehicles is generally not far. Although there are a few models that can reach one hundred or even two hundred kilometers, most people use electric vehicles that have a endurance of about 50 to 70 kilometers. If you encounter the endurance decline, it will seriously affect the practicality of the vehicle.

Lead acid battery pressure difference how to balance?

The unbalance problem of string battery pack is an important problem that affects the life of string battery pack. So how to balance the lead acid battery pressure difference? Let me give you a little more detail.

How do lead-acid batteries maintain durability? How to maintain a lead-acid battery?

Lead-acid battery is a common battery, widely used in automobiles, electric vehicles, power tools and other fields. The service life of lead-acid batteries is affected by many factors, such as charging and discharging conditions, temperature, moisture, vulcanization, vibration and so on. If you do not pay attention to maintenance, lead-acid batteries are prone to problems such as capacity reduction, bulging, leakage, and short circuit.

What is the purpose of a battery equalizer?

With the cumulative use of electric vehicles over time, battery parameters and functions may change. When the parameters of each battery in the battery pack are not consistent, there will be a phenomenon that one battery is fully charged while the other battery is not fully charged, which will only accelerate the aging speed of the battery in the long run. Therefore, it is necessary to set up a voltage equalizer to balance the battery voltage. The following is a detailed introduction to the role of battery equalizer.

Electric vehicle battery voltage imbalance how to solve

In recent years, lead-acid battery is widely used in railway, electric power and communication industries, lead-acid battery with easy to use, stable performance, less maintenance and other advantages, welcomed by users, but in the process of use, lead-acid battery group as a backup power supply, most of the use of unbalanced phenomenon, how to solve the battery unbalanced charging phenomenon?

The importance and solution of battery voltage balance

In recent years, with the need of the development of science and technology, the application of battery is also very wide in all aspects, and the application of battery, but also brought a series of problems, so it is very important to improve the safety and reliability of the battery operation, battery equalizer how to extend the service life of the battery, let’s take a look!

What is a battery balancer?

In addition to ensuring that the battery pack is not overcharged, the battery management system BMS mainly has the balancing function to maintain the consistency of the battery pack. At present, almost all BMS in the market have the balancing function, which is mainly divided into passive balance and active balance.

Does electric car battery Equalizer work?

With the repeated use of electric vehicles for a long time, battery parameters will inevitably change. When the parameters of all batteries in the battery pack are different, there will be a phenomenon that one battery is fully charged while the other battery is not, which will only accelerate the aging speed of the battery for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to set a voltage equalizer to balance the battery voltage, the following is a detailed introduction.

How to level the electric vehicle battery voltage?

With the popularity and use of electric vehicles, the problem of battery voltage imbalance has gradually emerged. Electric vehicle battery voltage imbalance will lead to reduced endurance, unstable performance and even can not be used normally. The following is to introduce the electric vehicle battery voltage regulation method.