battery equalizer

Battery equalization method and process

As we all know, the battery is the core component of the electric vehicle, but there is an imbalance in the battery pack, so it is necessary to balance the battery. Battery balance time depends on the use of the battery, generally 1-2 hours can be fast, slow dozens of hours also have.

How to solve the problem of battery imbalance?

In the manufacturing process of the battery, due to the process problems and the uneven material, so that the battery plate thickness, microporosity, the degree of activation of the active substance, there are small differences, such as the internal structure of the battery and the material is not completely consistent, will make the same batch of factory the same model of battery capacity, internal resistance and voltage parameter values can not be completely consistent.

Check whether a battery equalizer is required

In the manufacturing process of the battery, due to the process problems and the uneven material, so that the battery plate thickness, microporosity, the degree of activation of the active substance, there are small differences, such as the internal structure of the battery and the material is not completely consistent, will make the same batch of factory the same model of battery capacity, internal resistance and voltage parameter values can not be completely consistent.

How many of the 5 major reasons that affect the service life of the battery do you know?

Batteries are widely used in daily life, and can be divided into traditional lead-acid liquid-filled batteries and maintenance-free batteries. Because the batteries use lead-calcium alloy as the grid, the amount of water decomposition generated during charging is small, and the amount of water evaporation is also low. , and the casing adopts a sealed structure, and the sulfuric acid gas released is very little, so it has the advantages of no need to add any liquid, docking the wiring pile head, and long power storage time compared with the traditional battery. Batteries have a life cycle, different usage conditions, different environments, and different service life. Today, let’s understand what reasons will affect the service life of the battery?

How to repair the lead-acid battery after it loses power?

The importance of the battery Once the power loss occurs, the engine will be unable to start, so how to avoid this situation, first of all, you must understand the cause of the battery power loss, and then take measures to restore it.

How long is the water-filling cycle of the forklift battery

Adding water to the forklift battery is one of the most important tasks in battery maintenance. The use and cycle life of the battery are also inseparable from daily maintenance. Regularly adding water to the battery will help maintain its capacity and prolong its service life and operation. time. Not only does this reduce downtime and increase productivity, it also reduces the cost of replacing batteries.

Comparison of advantages and disadvantages of lead-acid batteries and lithium batteries

At present, the batteries on the market are divided into two camps: lead-acid and lithium batteries. Lead-acid batteries and storage batteries are two types of batteries that are widely used at present. Both have their own advantages. Today, we will briefly analyze the comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of lead-acid batteries and lithium batteries.

Are lead-acid battery equalizers useful?

During the working process of the lead-acid battery, due to the difference in the chemical composition and temperature of the battery cells, the charging and discharging of the two batteries will be different. Even when the cells are idle, there will be an imbalance between cells connected in series due to varying degrees of self-discharge. Many users will buy a dedicated battery equalizer that can ensure real-time power balance between each battery compartment. Then someone will ask again, is this battery equalizer useful? The following editor will give you a detailed introduction.

How to balance the pressure difference of lead-acid battery?

The unbalanced problem of series battery packs is an important issue that affects the life of series battery packs. This problem has attracted great attention from the industry many years ago. So how to balance the pressure difference of the lead-acid battery? The following is a detailed explanation for everyone.